Due to the COVID-19 crises, also the second C-STEP “Future jobs” was converted into a 4 day online training course which was held through a series of webinars on the 9th, 11th, 16th and 18th of March 2021.
C-STEP2 “Future jobs” is one of three C-STEPs, which are part of “Counsellors’ Study and Training Exchange Programme for Key Challenges of European Labour Markets and Societies” (Academia+), an Erasmus+ co-funded project. Find out more about the Academia+ project here.
The online training courses includes lectures from invited professionals, workshops with group work, sections for questions and answers etc. Parts of the online training was recorded and uploaded onto the Media Centre alongside all presented materials and C-STEPs material.
The units and topics of the online training are based on the outcomes of literature and resources reviews from all partner countries as well as an analysis of an online questionnaire answered by counselors, practitioners and experts regarding the topic future jobs from countries throughout Europe.
Target audience: career counsellors, career guidance specialists, teachers, lecturers of career guidance, etc.
Registration and participation was free of charge. Participants received certificates.
The online training and all associated material is in English.
Contact email-address: academiaplus.info@gmail.com
Contact person: jane.porath@hdba.de (Germany) (or see Academia+ project partners from Portugal, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Lithuania).

C-STEP 2 “Future jobs”
Each online training day will ran between 10.00-17.00 Central European Time (CET)
(9.00-16.00 UK and Portugal, 10.00-17.00 Germany and Luxembourg time)
Day 1 9th of March, 2021
Break 13.00-14.00 (CET) | Unit 1. Industry 4.0 and the impact on labour
Learning outcomes:
Day 2 11th of March, 2021
Break 13.00-14.00 (CET) | Unit 2. Challenges and opportunities for companies within Industry 4.0
Learning outcomes:
Day 3 16th of March, 2021
Break 13.15-14.15 (CET) | Unit 3. Upcoming trends
Learning outcomes:
Day 4 18th of March, 2021
Break 13.00-14.00 (CET) | Unit 4. New skills and competences
Learning outcomes:
3 steps to enter training material of C-STEPs (Project’s Media Centre and Learning Environment):
2. Choose the course below