Due to the COVID-19 crises, also the third C-STEP “Demographic change” was converted into a 4 day online training course which was held through a series of webinars on the 10th, 12th, 18th and 20th of May 2021.

C-STEP3 “Demographic change” is the last of three C-STEPs, which are part of “Counsellors’ Study and Training Exchange Programme for Key Challenges of European Labour Markets and Societies” (Academia+), an Erasmus+ co-funded project. Find out more about the Academia+ project here.

The online training courses includes lectures from invited professionals, workshops with group work, sections for questions and answers etc. Parts of the online training was recorded and uploaded onto the Media Centre alongside all presented materials and C-STEPs material.

The units and topics of the online training are based on the outcomes of literature and resources reviews from all partner countries as well as an analysis of an online questionnaire answered by counselors, practitioners and experts regarding the topic future jobs from countries throughout Europe.

Target audience: career counsellors, career guidance specialists, teachers, lecturers of career guidance, etc.

Registration and participation was free of charge. Participants received certificates.

The online training and all associated material is in English.

Contact email-address: academiaplus.info@gmail.com

Contact person: jane.porath@hdba.de (Germany) (or see Academia+ project partners from Portugal, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Lithuania).

If you want to network with other participants, speakers and members of the Academia + project team throughout the project time and after you can join the LinkedIn group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8955519


C-STEP 3 “Demographic change” 

Each online training day will run between 10.00-17.00 Central European Time (CET)
(9.00-16.00 UK and Portugal, 10.00-17.00 Germany and Luxembourg time)

Day 1

10th of May, 2021


Break 13.30-14.30 (CET)

Unit 1. The challenges of an older workforce

  • Labour market trends vs demographic trends – the past, current situation and future (particular reference on demographics of older people (50+))
  • Implications for work
  • Effects of demographic change on the work of careers guidance professionals (differences from the perspective of businesses?)
  • Barriers and stereotypes facing an older worker
  • Ways in how to address them positively/ how to help older clients not stereotype themselves
  • Advisors’ knowledge gaps and how guidance changes when dealing with an older client (specific support for 50+ to reintegrate into the labour market, to progress in their career and to plan for retirement).
  • Additional support (not fully wok related)

Learning outcomes:

  • Health and access issues
  • Combatting a loss of motivation to work
  • Advisors’ knowledge gaps and how guidance changes when dealing with an older client looking for work or a change of career
  • Labour market trends vs demographic trends
  • Barriers and stereotypes facing an older worker
  • The digital divide: support and training to increase the digital skill of older workers

Day 2

12th of May, 2021


Break 13.30-14.30 (CET)

Unit 2. Retraining in later life

  • Challenges arising from skills mismatches and why keeping skills up to date is important
  • Making training attractive and useful for older people and strategies to retrain older workers
  • Work-based learning for the older generation
  • Mentor training
  • Digital training (The digital divide)

 Learning outcomes:

  • Challenges arising from skills mismatches and a reluctance to retrain
  • How to make training attractive for older people
  • Work-based learning for the older generation

Day 3

18th of May, 2021


Break 13.30-14.30 (CET)

Unit 3. Realigning the expectations of the labour market

  • Challenges for businesses in employing older people
  • How to be inclusive to all regardless of age or responsibilities (policies around flexible working, caring responsibilities, health, access issues etc.)
  1. In terms of adapting recruitment procedures
  2. In terms of adapting careers guidance
  • Jobs and skills gaps where older people can add value

Learning outcomes:

  • Challenges for businesses in employing older people – stereotypes and misconceptions
  • How to adapt recruitment and facilities to an older workforce
  • Jobs and skills gaps where older people can add value

Day 4

20th of May, 2021


Break 13.15-14.00 (CET)

Unit 4. Multigenerational collaboration: focus on different target groups and generations

  • The advantages of having a multigenerational workforce
  • Women returning to workplace after undertaking caring responsibilities and the challenges they face
  • The Thorny Issue of Career Counselling and Social Justice: Mission Impossible?
  • Young people´s mental health (Erasmus + project)

Learning outcomes:

  • The value of life experience and knowledge of older people in training provided to young people
  • Developing multigenerational learning and work spaces
  • The role of mentors



3 steps to enter training material of C-STEPs (Project’s Media Centre and Learning Environment): 


2. Choose the course below

3. Free access with “Login as a guest”