Due to the COVID-19 crises, the first C-STEP “Counselling migrants and refugees” has been converted into a 4 day online training course which were delivered through a series of webinars on the 28th of May and the 2nd, 4th and 9th of June 2020. 

C-STEP1 “Counselling migrants and refugees” is one of three C-STEPs, which are part of “Counsellors’ Study and Training Exchange Programme for Key Challenges of European Labour Markets and Societies” (Academia+), an Erasmus+ co-funded project. Find out more about the Academia+ project here.

The online training courses included lectures from invited professionals, workshops with group work, sections for questions and answers etc. Parts of the online training was  recorded and  uploaded onto the Media Centre alongside all presented materials and C-STEPs material.

The units and topics of the online training are based on the outcomes and products of a previous EU-funded project at the HdBA: “Counselling for Refugee and Migrant Integration into the Labour Market – Development of Courses for Higher Education and Public Employment Services” (CMinaR).

Target audience: career counsellors, career guidance specialists, teachers, lecturers of career guidance, etc.

Registration and participation was free of charge. Participation certificates was issued.

The online training and all associated material is in English.

Contact person: jane.porath@hdba.de (Germany) (or see Academia+ project partners from Portugal, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Lithuania).


C-STEP1 “Counselling migrants and refugees” 

Each online training day ran between 10.00-17.00 Central European Time (CET)
(9.00-16.00 UK and Portugal, 10.00-17.00 Germany and Luxembourg time)

Day 1

28th of May, 2020


Break 13.00-14.00 (CET)

Unit 1. Intercultural awareness

  • Multiculturalism, interculturalism, integration and challenges
  • Language and intercultural communication 
  •  “Cultural/Intercultural Awareness”

Learning outcomes:

  •  Analyse challenges arising from counsellor´s knowledge gap in the fields of origin and receiving countries´ educational and employment system.
  • Background of the causes of migration, and the situation of migrants and refugees in receiving countries.
  • Methods and resources for detecting and dealing with misunderstanding in counselling communication; working with groups.
  • Discuss challenges arising from learning and using a second language as a medium for acting and responding in education, working environment and counselling communication.
  • Enhance intercultural awareness.

Day 2

2nd of June, 2020


Break 13.00-14.00 (CET)

Unit 2. Recognition of qualifications and competencies and access to the labour market

  • Process of recognition of qualification
  • Actors in the recognition process
  • European instruments and resources

 Learning outcomes:

  • Analyse challenges arising from both the residence status and the recognition of foreign vocational and academic qualifications.
  • Discussion on the access to the labour market

Day 3

4th of June, 2020


Break 13.15-14.15 (CET)

Unit 3. The analysis of client potential and empowerment

  • Methods of testing/assessing competencies
  • Methods of empowering refugees and migrants
  • Benefits of using methods and tools that support client learning and understanding of career issues

Learning outcomes:

  • Methods of assessing clients’ potential and empowerment
  • Analyse challenges arising in the framework of assessing clients` potential and in empowerment (being driven by all the challenges named before).
  • Find out about methods of testing / assessing competences
  • Discussion on methods of empowerment of refugees and migrants

Day 4

9th of June, 2020


Break 13.00-14.00 (CET)

Unit 4. Specific supportive measures

  • Language acquisition in supportive measures and labour market schemes
  • Training measures for the adaptation of vocational skills for refugees and migrants
  • Legal aspects of support measures

Learning outcomes:

  • Analyse challenges arising for access to and designing and handling of supportive measures and labour market schemes.
  • Promote the language acquisition in supportive measures and labour market schemes.
  • To know training measures for the adaptation of vocational skills for refugees and migrants.
  • Find out about legal aspects of support measures

3 steps to enter training material of C-STEPs (Project’s Media Centre and Learning Environment): 


2. Choose the course below

3. Free access with “Login as a guest”