Six partner meetings. 2 meetings were organized face-to-face and 4 meetings were held online due to COVID 19 pandemic. Also, partners organized intermediate online meetings to prepare and discuss C-STEPs trainings. Experiences from previous projects indicate that the key staff of each of the partners’ team should be present at the meetings as many core discussions and decisions are made at the partners’ transnational face-to-face meetings.

The partner meetings were held at the following venues:


Due to the COVID-19 crises, the first face-to-face Counsellors´ Study and Training exchange Programme had to be changed into an online training. The training and all the material was in English. The courses include a mix of different didactical settings and methods. They e.g. started with an hour of lecture including questions from the participants, the division of participants into smaller groups (moderated by the different national partners), letting participants discuss certain aspects and prepare something for the bigger group, which met afterwards again etc. It was recorded the parts of the online training and uploaded together with the other material like presentations, literature and protocols.

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In the very final phase an International symposium was held  on June 30th 2021. Due to the COVID-19 crises the event was held online.

Regarding to Academia+’s explicit transnational focus on making guidance professionals learn and profit from other countries approaches and experiences there was one International symposium together for all project partners (instead of national multiplier events that mainly target a national audience).  

The symposium brought together partners from the wider Academia network as well as actors from different sectors in order to inform about the Academia+ and its outcomes, to convey state-of-the-art information on the project’s 3 overall topics, as well as to make the participants learn from each other and other countries’ approaches. The symposium’s target group includes i.e.:

• Career guidance professionals from across Europe

• Leading persons from Public Employment Services (PES)

• Policy Makers

• Representatives from VET

• Representatives from companies

• Representatives from Higher Education and research

• Representatives from social partners

• Representatives from chambers 

• Representatives from associations for refugees and migrants

• Representatives of the National Agencies in charge of Erasmus+ Strategic partnerships

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