Academia+ used the potential of Academia Network, raising Academia on a higher level and preparing it for the future in a digital world.
The Academia Network is a programme “for guidance professionals from guidance professionals”. The network was set up in 1992 and funded by the Petra program of the European Commission. By frequently relying on expert counsellors who inhabit the worlds of both practice and research, Academia has managed to bridge the gap that all too often exists between practice and theory.
In order to strengthen the European dimension in Career Guidance and Counselling set-ups, Academia allows guidance professionals to take part in a one-week professional mobility or placement in up to 18 European Academia partner countries. To date, a large number of guidance professionals have been on a professional exchange in another European country.
So far, the one-week professional mobility or placement focused on lectures, job shadowing, group discussions and exchange of experiences.
Find out more about the Academia Network and exchanges from the Euroguidance website:
- „International Mobility“:
- „Academia Mobility Experience“:
- „Academia mobility opportunities“: